Earth Day comes to Audubon Avenue! April 20th, 11 am-5 pm. Bring the family!
11 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer for: Car-Free Earth Day on Audubon Avenue, between 198th-190th, on April 20th
Don't forget! March's School Spirit Day --Thursday, March 28th-- is Mismatch Day. We can't wait to see how creatively you'll mismatch your wonderfully wacky outfit!
11 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Mismatch Day flyer - English
Mismatch Day flyer - Spanish
Parents: Are you ready to dance??! Come to PS 115 this Tuesday, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, when we collaborate with HOPE to bring you a fun and creative cultural dance workshop! @TheHopeOrganization
11 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
People dancing in the street - Flyer for cultural dance event
People dancing in the street - Flyer for cultural dance event - in Spanish
In this first week of Ramadan, we at P.S. 115 extend our best wishes to all those observing. Ramadan Kareem!
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Ramadan Kareem
At #SummerRising free breakfast, lunch, and snacks are on the menu! It’s one of the many reasons to sign up for this free program. 😋🍎 Apply by March 25th! Find out more about #SummerRising:
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Animated graphic of three students, one playing hopscotch, one jump roping and one eating a sandwich. Text reads: "Summer Rising 2024." N Y C Public Schools logo and Department of Youth & Community Development logo.
There’s a world of discovery, creativity, and fun waiting for NYC students in Grades K-8 at #SummerRising. 🌞🖍️ Learn more about it today:
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Animated graphic of three students, one playing hopscotch, one sitting down and one holding a ball. Text reads: "Summer Rising 2024." N Y C Public Schools logo and Department of Youth & Community Development logo.
Early Dismissal THURSDAY March 7 Salída Temprano JUEVES 7 de marzo All students will be dismissed at 11:30am for Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences from 1:00-3:00 pm / 4:30-7:00 pm. There will be NO after-school programs. See your child's ClassDojo for signup information. Todos los estudiantes saldrán a las 11:30 am para conferencias de padres y maestros virtuales de 1:00-3:00 pm / 4:30-7:00 pm. NO habrá programas después de la escuela. Consulte el ClassDojo de su hijo para obtener información sobre cómo registrarse.
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
parent-teacher conference information flyer
March's School Spirit Day --Thursday, March 28th-- is Mismatch Day. We can't wait to see how creatively you'll mismatch your wonderfully wacky outfit!
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
March Mismatch Day flyer - English
March Mismatch Day flyer - Spanish
Friendly reminder!
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image of posted reminder in English
Image of posted reminder in Spanish
After counting to 100 from the first day of school, Class 103 celebrated the 100th day of school! We created a snowman with 100 cotton balls, made 100th day crowns, shared a snack and played with 100 BALLOONS!
12 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Two students dressed to celebrate the 100th day of school
Four students gluing cotton balls to a paper snowman
Three students gluing cotton balls to a paper snowman
Students in classroom decorating a 100th day of school handout
Students in the classroom eating a 100th day of school snack
A student dressed up for the 100th day of school
Students in the classroom enjoying their 100th day of school snack
Students posing with a 100th day of school poster
Students in their 100th day of school crowns playing with balloons
Students in their 100th day of school crowns playing with balloons
Check out Ms. Biaggi's second grade students excavating their own fossils during their Project Based Learning unit on FOSSILS, earlier this month!
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
A small group of students excavating model fossils in the classroom
Earlier this month, as part of their unit on fossils, Ms. Garcia's 2nd/3rd grade class took a field trip to the American Museum of Natural History to to enjoy and learn from their world class fossil exhibits.
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Students at an American Museum of Natural History exhibit
Earlier this month, Ms. Almanzar's second grade students “dug up history” as they took on the role of paleontologists and dug their own “fossils” from a chocolate chip cookie. They learned that paleontologists have to be extra careful when removing the fossils from the ground. They got to learn even more about fossils on a trip to the amazing American Museum of Natural History.
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Students learning about fossils in the classroom
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Students at an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
Remember -- TODAY is February's Spirit Day: Kindness Day! Wear a bright color, because spreading kindness makes everyone's day brighter!
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Kindness Day flyer in English
Kindness Day flyer in Spanish
The earlier issues with the NYC Schools Google platform have been resolved. If you were having difficulty logging in this morning, please try logging in again.
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Snow day update
As of Tuesday, February 13th, 8:00 am: NYC public schools are currently experiencing outages with their Google platform. If your child is having difficulty logging in, please be patient. We will update you when the issue is resolved. Thank you for your patience.
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
NYC Schools Google Platform outage notice
During "Respect for All Week", February 12 -16, 2024, we at PS 115 will be highlighting and building upon ongoing programs to help our students, staff and community gain a better understanding of diversity. Check out the details on our flyer!
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Respect for All Week flyer in English
Respect for All Week flyer in Spanish
Don't miss the chance to receive discounts on your family's internet service and device costs! The deadline for new applications is February 7th! To find out if you qualify, visit: today!
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Calendar showing February 7th deadline
Let your voice be heard! Please join Council Member Carmen De La Rosa for The People’s Assembly: Saturday, February 10th, 9:30am at Washington Heights Academy (202 Sherman Ave). This is a community wide event for community members to learn about Co-Governance, participate in group discussions, and share ideas for the District 10 Action Plan. Your participation in this conversation is important.
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
People's Assembly flyer in English
People's Assembly flyer in Spanish
Dear parents & guardians! The HOPE Organization (Helping Our People Evolve) will be offering a series of useful workshops for YOU, at P.S. 115. In the first of these, on February 12th at 4 pm, they will be sharing vital information about how to keep our kids safe online. We hope you join us!
about 1 year ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Digital Citizenship flyer - English
Digital Citizenship flyer - Spanish