Councilwoman Carmen De La rosa of City Council in District 10 invites you to the / invita a la: Community Conversation on Public Safety / Conversación comunitaria sobre seguridad publica. February 19th / 19 de febrero, 6 - 8 pm Inwood Academy for Leadership, 433 W. 204th Street Learn more about efforts being conducted to improve local public safety and quality of life outcomes, contribute ideas, and engage in a community discussion about what the future of public safety looks like for Washington Heights, Inwood, and Marble Hill. Obtenga más información sobre los esfuerzos que se están llevando a cabo para mejorar la seguridad pública local y los resultados de calidad de vida, aporte ideas y participe en una discusión comunitaria sobre cómo será el futuro de la seguridad pública para Washington Heights, Inwood y Marble Hill. RSVP:
5 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text in image is same as post
Dear PS 115 Families / Estimadas familias de PS 115: During Respect for All Week, February 10 -14, 2025, schools across the city will have the opportunity to highlight and build upon ongoing programs to help students, staff, and communities gain a better understanding of diversity. P.S. 115 will participate in a Spirit Week where students will be able to participate by dressing up in a new theme each day. Durante la Semana del Respeto para Todos, del 10 al 14 de febrero de 2025, las escuelas de toda la ciudad tendrán la oportunidad de resaltar y aprovechar los programas en curso para ayudar a los estudiantes, el personal y las comunidades a comprender mejor la diversidad. P.S. 115 participará en una Semana del Espíritu donde los estudiantes podrán participar vistiéndose con un tema nuevo cada día.
11 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
On Monday, February 10th, it's "Celebrate our differences day."  Wear your most crazy or kooky socks, or wacky hairstyles to show that being different is awesome!
On Tuesday, February 11th: Wear all black to show solidarity against bullying in school.  On Wednesday,  February 12th: Be a hero for respect, and come dressed as a superhero. On Thursday, February 13th, come dressed in your favorite rainbow outfit or wear your favorite color to create a rainbow of respect at PS 115.  On Friday, February 14th, it's "No one eats alone" day: Wear red or pink.
El lunes 10 de febrero es el "Día de celebrar nuestras diferencias". Ponte los calcetines más locos o extravagantes o hazte un peinado extravagante para demostrar que ser diferente es genial.
El martes 11 de febrero: Vístete de negro para mostrar solidaridad contra el acoso escolar. El miércoles 12 de febrero: Sé un héroe del respeto y ven vestido como un superhéroe. El jueves 13 de febrero, ven vestido con tu atuendo de arcoíris favorito o usa tu color favorito para crear un arcoíris de respeto en la escuela PS 115. El viernes 14 de febrero, es el día de "Nadie come solo": vístete de rojo o rosa.
February's "Spirit Day" is Kindness Day! On Friday, February 28th, come dressed in BRIGHT colors, because KINDNESS makes everyone's day BRIGHTER!
12 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text is same as post, but set against a colorful background with lightly visible hearts, and an image of pink and red cartoon hearts hugging.
Text is same as post (in Spanish), but set against a colorful background with lightly visible hearts, and an image of pink and red cartoon hearts hugging.
Parents and Kids! Do you want to know what's on the menu for breakfast and lunch, at school? Head to our PS 115 website News page, and look for the article on Menus! Go to:
12 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
The word "Menus" appears in colorful letters. Below it is a clipart picture of a school lunch tray, with a boy and girl on either side eating a school lunch.
#SummerRising is BACK and open to all NYC students from K-8! 🌟Full day, in-person programs 🤸‍♂️Fun and enriching activities 🚌Local field trips 🍎Free breakfast, lunch, and snacks Families can apply using their MySchools account. Learn more:
13 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Graphic of three students, one playing hopscotch, one sitting down and one with her hands up. Text reads: "Summer Rising 2025." N Y C Public Schools logo and Department of Youth & Community Development logo.
Parents, REMINDER: Today is PAJAMA DAY!
19 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image has same text as post.
Image has same text as post.
Parents DON'T FORGET, TONIGHT'S EVENT! PS 115 invites you to our annual STEAM fair TONIGHT, Thursday, January 30th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, for a great night of fun for the family! Come learn about different New Year's traditions through fun STEAM activities, including crafts, art, games, and a raffle with PRIZES! We hope to see all families there! All children must be accompanied by an adult.
20 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text on image is same as with the post.
PS 115 invites you to our annual STEAM fair on Thursday, January 30th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, for a great night of fun with family! Come learn about different New Year's traditions through fun STEAM activities, including crafts, art, games, and a raffle with prizes! We hope to see all families there! All children must be accompanied by an adult. S = Science T = Technology E = Engineering A = Art M = Mathematics
23 days ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image has text which is the same as for the post. A Chinese snake symbol, in red, represents the start of Chinese New Year, which this year is the year of the snake.
On Friday, January 31st, it's Pajama Day! Come dressed in your coziest, comfiest, fuzziest pajamas!
about 1 month ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image text same as test of post.
Image text same as test of post.
Was your child born in 2021 or 2022? If so, join an important 3K & Pre-K enrollment virtual session on Zoom, on Thursday, January 9th, from 6:00 pm - 7:00, to learn about 3K & PreK programs, and how to apply on "My Schools". Zoom Meeting ID: 962 8510 8228 Passcode: 346391 Or us this link: Spanish interpretation during the meeting is available by calling: 1-347-966-4114 ID: 238 801 223# The session is presented by Community School District 6, and the Division of Early Childhood Eduction "Bright Starts" initiative.
about 1 month ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer with same information as the text provided with the post.
Spanish versino of flyer with same information as the text provided with the post.
We at PS 115 wish you and your family a joyful Winter Break! School will be closed from December 23rd through January 1st. See you back in school on January 2nd!
2 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text on image is same as text for the post, but with a winter background and snowman.
Kids are never too young to a enjoy a book and fall in love with reading! This week, in the Library, Class K-001 learned how to "read" a book by looking at the pictures and making up their own stories! And they especially loved doing it with their stuffed animal "reading buddies." ❤️📚
2 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Kindergartners reading books in the library, with stuffed animal "reading buddies"
Remember: Tomorrow is Winter Fantasy Day! On Friday, December 20th, dressing up can be as simple as wearing blue and white colors, or wearing a winter-themed sweater. You could also dress like a winter animal (like a snow leopard, snowy owl, or polar bear), or be elaborate and dress up as a snow princess or winter wizard!
2 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image with same text as post.
Image with same text as post (translated into Spanish)
December's Spirit Day is Winter Fantasy Day! On Friday, December 20th, dressing up can be as simple as wearing blue and white colors, or wearing a winter-themed sweater. You could also dress like a winter animal (like a snow leopard, snowy owl, or polar bear), or be elaborate and dress up as a snow princess or winter wizard!
2 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image has text with same information as the text that accompanies the post.
Image has text with a Spanish translation of the same information as the text that accompanies the post.
In the STEAM Lab, 5th Grade students have been developing their coding skills programming Dash Robots to complete a maze with coding tasks (including creating a turkey “gobble google” sound for Thanksgiving). Student teams needed to not only sequence code blocks, but to also use distance and angle measurements to complete the task.
2 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
6 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
6 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
8 students across 3 groups creating mazes for a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab
4 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
3 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
2 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
2 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
6 students across 2 groups working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
2 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
2 students working on a robot coding challenge, on the floor of the STEAM Lab, where a maze has been created for the robot to navigate
The NYC Public Schools KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT window opens on December 10th. Families may apply from December 10th through January 24th. To apply, go to: For more info, go to:
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image shows cartoon children  jumping with joy. Text reads: Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Last Wednesday, inspired by the parade balloons of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Class 103 decorated parade balloons of their own, and had their own hallway parade!
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Students in classroom coloring at their desks
Students in classroom coloring at their desks
Students in classroom coloring at their desks. An image shows on the classroom board with the text, "Making Macy's Parade Balloons"
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Students in the classroom posing with their decorated "Macy's parade" balloons.
Friendly reminder: School is CLOSED on Thursday and Friday (November 28-29). Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd. Enjoy the long weekend!
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image with text: We are grateful for our PS 115 Community!  And for those who celebrate: Happy Thanksgiving.
REMEMBER: November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day! On Friday, November 22nd, we invite students to dress in a way that represents their culture, bring an object that represents their culture, or share a story about their culture.
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text: November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day. On Friday, November 22nd, dress to represent your culture! Text is bordered by cartoon images of children in various ethnic costumes.
Spanish Translation of the text: November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day. On Friday, November 22nd, dress to represent your culture! Text is bordered by cartoon images of children in various ethnic costumes.
Council member Carmen De La Rosa will be hosting a Community Briefing for the City of Yes: Zoning for Housing Opportunity on November 19th 6pm-8pm at P.S. 048 – 4360 Broadway
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image info is the same as the text of the  post
Image info is the same as the text of the  post