November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day! Let's celebrate our diverse cultural backgrounds! On Friday, November 22nd, we invite students to dress in their ancestors' traditional clothing, bring an object that represents their culture or share a story about their culture.
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Text: November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day. On Friday, November 22nd, dress to represent your culture! Text is bordered by cartoon images of children in various ethnic costumes.
Spanish Translation of the text: November's Spirit Day is Multicultural Day. On Friday, November 22nd, dress to represent your culture! Text is bordered by cartoon images of children in various ethnic costumes.
No school today (Monday, November 11th) for Veterans Day. Classes will resume tomorrow, (Tuesday, November 12th).
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Reminder: No School Monday, November 11th, in honor of Veterans Day.  Image has a border of stars and stripes.
Image has the following text, decorated with a stars-and-stripes border: To all who served, we are thankful for your service. Happy Veterans Day.
Hello Parents/Guardians, This is a friendly reminder that school will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2024, for Veteran’s Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Enjoy your long weekend! =============================================== Buenos días Padres/Tutores, Este es un recordatorio que no habrá clases el lunes 11 de noviembre de 2024 debido al Día de los Veteranos. Las clases se reanudarán el martes 12 de noviembre de 2024. Disfruten su fin de semana largo!
3 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image has same information as the related text, but is decorated with a border of stars and stripes.
This is a reminder that school will be closed for students tomorrow, Thursday, November 7, 2024. Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place tomorrow from 1-3 pm, and again from 4:30-7:00 pm. Teachers shared Parent-Teacher Conference times and Zoom links on your child’s Class Dojo. On Wednesday, your child was sent home with their iPad so that they can participate in a citywide remote simulation on Thursday. On Thursday, students will be expected to: log into their Google Classroom, complete the assignment posted by their teacher, and submit the assignment. There will be NO live sessions with teachers on Thursday. Please just make sure your child submits their Google Classroom assignment by 3 pm, on Thursday. Also, please make sure your child returns to school on Friday with their device. Thank you!
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer with same information as post in text.
PS 115 families! Tomorrow, for Halloween, check out one of these free, family events!
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer for District 10 Halloween Festival on Thursday, from 3pm-6pm,  at 618 W 177th Street.
Flyer for local Halloween Festival on Thursday, from 3 - 7 pm, at  233 W. 125th Street, 3rd Floor, at the Renaissance Hotel
Don't forget! Tomorrow is Character Day at PS 115. We can't wait to see you dressed up as your favorite character!
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer: October's Spirit Day is Character Day, on Thursday, October 31st
Flyer: October's Spirit Day is Character Day, on Thursday, October 31st
As the first frost is quickly upon us, we recently cleaned out the garden bed of the summer vegetation. We prepared for spring by planting tulip and daffodil bulbs. We hope these flowers will bloom and provide color to our yard and provide for the pollinators of our community. 🐝 🦋
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Student weeding garden bed
Student weeding garden bed
Student proudly holding a large weeded plant
student patting the soil of a garden bed
student preparing soil of garden bed for planting
3 students preparing soil of garden bed for planting
student working soil of garden bed with garden trowel
5 students posing for the camera while standing in the newly prepared garden beds
6 students and 2 volunteers posing for photo. All are holding examples of garden supplies used during the event
PS 115 kids and teachers L❤️VE celebrating Spirit Days! Just check out Class 103 from September's Sports Day. 🥰 So get ready -- Character Day is coming up on Thursday, October 31st!
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
4 students from Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
2 students from Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
1 student from Class 103 in their Sports Day outfit
2 students from Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
3 students from Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
Class 103 in their Sports Day outfits
Thursday, October 31st is Character Day! We can't wait to see you dressed as your favorite character!
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer for Character Day on Thursday, October 31st
Spanish translation of Flyer for Character Day on Thursday, October 31st
¡Regístrese hoy para el próximo evento del Café para padres de NYPCC: Las redes sociales y la salud mental de su hijo! Hay traducción al español disponible y la inscripción es gratuita y abierta al público. Cuándo: miércoles 16 de octubre de 2024, de 15:00 a 16:00 horas (EST) Copie y pegue este enlace en su navegador para registrarse: Register today for the next NYPCC Parent Cafe Event: Social Media and Your Child's Mental Health! Spanish translation is available, and registration is free and open to the public. When: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EST) Copy & paste this link into your browser to register:
4 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Flyer for event on Wednesday, October 16th: Social Media and Your Child's Mental Health
Flyer for event on Wednesday, October 16th: Social Media and Your Child's Mental Health
REMINDER: Tomorrow, October 3rd, and Friday, October 4th, there will be no school for all students, for the Jewish New Year celebration Rosh Hashanah. For those who will be celebrating: Shana Tovah!
5 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Reminder: No School Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th, for all students, for Rosh Hashanah.
Reminder: No School Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th, for all students, for Rosh Hashanah.
On Thursday, October 3rd, and Friday, October 4th, there will be no school for all students, for the Jewish New Year celebration Rosh Hashanah. For those who will be celebrating: Shana Tovah!
5 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Reminder: No School Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th, for all students, for Rosh Hashanah.
Reminder: No School Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th, for all students, for Rosh Hashanah.
Let's plant together! Join us on October 7th, at 3:15 pm, in the schoolyard.
5 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Hands helping plant a seedling to promote a planting event at the school, October 7th, at 3:15 pm.  All are welcome.
Council member Carmen De La Rosa and Department of Sanitation will be hosting an E Waste Event on September 28th at 11am at Inwood Hill Park entrance. This event would be a great opportunity for the community to dispose their electronic devices safely for both our community and the environment.
5 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
E-Waste Collection Event Flyer from Carmen de la Rosa's office
E-Waste Collection Event Flyer from Carmen de la Rosa's office - in Spanish
Images of what items can be brought to the event: TVs, monitors, Computers, laptops, printers & scanners, fax machines, keyboards, mouse,  VCRs, DVRs, and DVD players, small servers, hard drives, satellite boxes, tablets & e-readers, mobile phones, MP3 players, video game consoles.
In Spanish - Images of what items can be brought to the event: TVs, monitors, Computers, laptops, printers & scanners, fax machines, keyboards, mouse,  VCRs, DVRs, and DVD players, small servers, hard drives, satellite boxes, tablets & e-readers, mobile phones, MP3 players, video game consoles.
Images of items Not accepted  as e-waste: Air conditioners, appliances, batteries, light bulbs
In Spanish - Images of items Not accepted  as e-waste: Air conditioners, appliances, batteries, light bulbs
We can't wait to see how you celebrate your favorite sports and teams!
5 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Image of sports jerseys and caps with information notifying the school community that Friday, September 27th is "Sports Day".
In Spanish: Image of sports jerseys and caps with information notifying the school community that Friday, September 27th is "Sports Day".
Back- to- School Giveaway! Join members of City Council on August 29,2024 in the I.S. 52 Yard on 650 Academy Street between 3:00-5:00pm for student giveaway. Student must be present to participate!
6 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
back to school giveaway flyer
Need an idea for a great summer outing? Head over to the Met Museum of Art where among world class exhibits you'll find one that celebrates arts in NYC public schools, and includes a self-portrait by our own Grade 2 student, Madison Galloza! PS 115 is so proud of Madison and our amazing Art teacher, Ms. Annie. The works on display were selected from over 1,300 submissions, from K-12 students across NYC! As Ms. Annie explains, "Students were encouraged to use colors, shapes, and images that reflect their personalities and interests. We utilized construction paper, patterned paper, and paint to create their collages. I was particularly drawn to Madison’s portrait because of her exceptional cutting and drawing skills, her use of various mediums, and her creative composition." Check it out for yourselves! The exhibit is on display through October 20th.
6 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Student proudly pointing at their self-portrait on display in a Met Museum exhibit.
Don't forget!! Tomorrow, come to school looking ready for summer!
8 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
June Spirit Day flyer.  "Summer Ready" on June 26th - English
June Spirit Day flyer.  "Summer Ready" on June 26th - Spanish
P.S. 115 joins our community in honoring this day in history -- Juneteenth!
8 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
Juneteenth celebration post
Come to school looking ready for summer on Wednesday, June 26th!
8 months ago, P.S. 115M Alexander Humboldt School
June Spirit Day flyer.  "Summer Ready" on June 26th - English
June Spirit Day flyer.  "Summer Ready" on June 26th - Spanish